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Secrets of the Widow's Son

Von Dan Burstein

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2011-11-03
  • Seitenzahl: 368
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:0297864912
  • ISBN-13:9780297864912


A dazzling speculative inquiry into the mysteries surrounding the sequel to THE DA VINCI CODE SECRETS OF THE WIDOW'S SON is itself an unprecedented book concept. Relying on extensive investigative reporting and intellectual sleuthing, it is an explorer's field guide to understanding the main themes, ideas, symbols and historical issues which author Dan Brown will most likely utilise in THE SOLOMON KEY - months before this much-awaited sequel to THE DA VINCI CODE is even published. SECRETS OF THE CODE told the story of how the riddle embedded in The Da Vinci Code's dust-cover pointed to Dan Brown's next book: selected letters appearing on the book jacket's flaps, slightly bolder than others, spelled out the mystically alluring question, 'Is There No Help for the Widow's Son?' Research led David Shugarts and his team to understand the role of the 'Widow's Son' in the history of Freemasonry, biblical apocrypha, Mormonism, and various secret societies and occult belief systems. Dan Brown has since confirmed that his next book is indeed about the Masons, and that protagonist Robert Langdon, of DA VINCI CODE and ANGELS AND DEMONS fame, would be back to lead us on a symbolic treasure hunt through the art, architecture and secret codes of the American capital, Washington DC. This book is not a plot spoiler for THE SOLOMON KEY. It is not trying to guess who will be murdered, or which fictional mysteries, cover-ups, and conspiracies will be invented to drive the plot of this story. SECRETS OF THE WIDOW'S SON is about the ideas and issues that will form the background and context for THE SOLOMON KEY.




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