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Life Circles

Von Robert O. Lewis

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2019-05-14
  • Seitenzahl: 118
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:1532685890
  • ISBN-13:9781532685897


You need this book if any of these things are true: - You are having problems in your life you can't seem to solve. - You have chosen to live with someone and are conflicted by the lack of commitment. - You are planning to get married and are not sure if it is the right thing or the right time. - Your marriage has lost its luster and you would like to get it back on track. - Your children are wrecking your marriage--what do you do? - Your marriage has reached a crisis and divorce seems the only answer. - You are divorced and feel the guilt and loneliness of separation and loss of friends. - You are empty nesters, getting gray, and wondering what to do next. - You worry about the legacy you will leave your children. This book offers immediate help for all these situations. The solution focuses on the rebalancing of the forces that exist in our lives and how we spend our time. Your Life Circles reveal what you should change to bring balance and harmony into your life. Robert O. Lewis brings his experience and beliefs to fruition in this book that he began twenty years ago and put down, only to recently become inspired to complete it. He is a published author of numerous technical papers, two textbooks, and has taught more than sixty courses for three universities and numerous seminars. He was made a technical fellow by the Boeing Company before he retired to do consulting.




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