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Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators

Von David Fischer

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2014-04-29
  • Seitenzahl: 248
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:1118852699
  • ISBN-13:9781118852699


Pollinators play a vital role in ecosystem health and areessential to ensuring food security. With declines in both managedand wild pollinator populations in recent years, scientists andregulators have sought answers to this problem and have exploredimplementing steps to protect pollinator populations now and forthe future. Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinatorsfocuses on the role pesticides play in impacting bee populationsand looks to develop a risk assessment process, along with the datato inform that process, to better assess the potential risks thatcan accompany the use of pesticide products. Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators opens with twochapters that provide a biological background of both Apisand non-Apis species of pollinators. Chapters then presentan overview of the general regulatory risk assessment process anddecision-making processes. The book then discusses the coreelements of a risk assessment, including exposure estimation,laboratory testing, and field testing. The book concludeswith chapters on statistical and modeling tools, and proposedadditional research that may be useful in developing the ability toassess the impacts of pesticide use on pollinator populations. Summarizing the current state of the science surrounding riskassessment for Apis and non-Apis species,Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators is a timely workthat will be of great use to the environmental science andagricultural research communities. Assesses pesticide risk to native and managed pollinators Summarizes the state of the science in toxicity testing andrisk assessment Provides valuable biological overviews of both Apis andnon-Apis pollinators Develops a plausible overall risk assessment framework forregulatory decision making Looks towards a globally harmonized approach for pollinatortoxicity and risk assessment




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